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IFOMPT 2016: Opening Session
IFOMPT 2016: Plenary Session - Roger Kerry
IFOMPT 2016: Plenary Sessions - Annina Schmid
IFOMPT 2016: Plenary Sessions - Roger Kerry
IFOMPT 2016: Plenary Keynote - Jeremy Lewis
IFOMPT 2016: Plenary Session - Gwen Jull & Anne Moore
IFOMPT 2016: Plenary Session - Lorimar Moseley
Annina Schmid IFOMPT 2016 Plenary Sessions Snippet
IFOMPT 2016 Lorimer Moseley
The MAPC's Legacy & the Benefits of Visiting IFOMPT 2016
IFOMPT 2016: Lorimer Moseley
Plenary Session Lorimar Moseley Expanding Our Management Approach for Patients in Pain IFOMPT 2016